
Going Green: In praise of Laci Green and sex positivity

Can we please acknowledge how amazing Laci Green is?!

If you don’t know about Laci Green, I am here to inform you. She is a sex-educating, YouTubing, social justice advocating, body-positive, and ass-kicking human being. Or, in her own words: “I’m Laci, 22[-year-old] peer sex educator & YouTuber from San Fran. I make videos to help people learn about sexuality & bodies so they can enjoy them! I like to make people laugh and think, preferably at the same time.”

I first stumbled upon Laci Green’s YouTube videos early this year, and I was instantly hooked. She has a weekly YouTube show called Sex+, in which she tackles topics related to sexuality, body image, relationships, and gender.

Sex+ is great because it covers a whole range of issues that are important for young people (and not-so-young people) to understand. And with the unfortunate pervasiveness of ineffective programs such as abstinence-only sex education in this country, we need people like Laci Green who are working hard to combat harmful misinformation about sexuality and other related topics. She has made Sex+ episodes breaking down the complexities of gender (without failing to discuss people who are transgender, genderqueer, agender, etc.) interracial relationships, asexuality, videos critiquing books and films in today’s pop culture, and more.

From the perspective of an About-Facer, I swoon over Laci Green’s work because she doesn’t neglect to cover a span of feminist- and body image-related topics that we like to talk about over here as well, such as fat-shaming, “Freaky Labia,” the BMI scale, men and femininity, and “thinspiration,” just to name a few. One of her most recent videos targets “girl hate,” which she defines as: “tearing fellow women down for petty and unwarranted reasons.” Check it out below:

I could go on and on about my admiration for Laci’s work, but I’d rather shut up and let y’all head on over to her YouTube channel to see for yourselves what my praise is all about. She is also on Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter.

Stacey Jean Speer earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Women and Gender Studies at San Francisco State University in May 2012. While she waits to discover her calling in life, she enjoys utilizing the tools she gained as a student of Women and Gender Studies to critique media and the world around her from a feminist perspective.

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