
How the world has turned our grocery lists into our body types

Pears, apples, string beans, rulers: not just inanimate objects anymore! Put these items on your grocery list nowadays, and you’re bound to come home with a bag full of diversely-shaped women instead of food or measuring tools. But why? I recently searched “body shapes” on Google, and the results were pretty interesting. Nearly all of… Continue Reading →

The ugly truth about the Victoria’s Secret fashion show

Our newest article on Victoria’s Secret is Victoria’s Secret, you’re going down (and I like it). Every year around this time, I’m deeply troubled by the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Not because I don’t like a great-fitting and sexy bra as much as the next lady (I do! In fact, I purchase plenty of… Continue Reading →

An open (love) letter to Jennifer Lawrence

Hey, J. Law (I can call you J. Law, right?), How are you doing? You’re probably busy getting ready for your upcoming Catching Fire premieres (all of which you will probably look fabulous in), so I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how totally awesome you are. Recently, the Internet has been… Continue Reading →

Disclaimer for airbrushed models: an effective solution?

Airbrushed images of women and girls are bad for our overall health: mental, emotional, and sometimes physical. We can reasonably assume that the vast majority of media images are altered, even those of famous figures who are celebrated as examples of these “attainable” beauty standards. So, why not draw attention to this issue through an… Continue Reading →

“I like my body because it’s magic.”

When I was around four years old, I announced to my parents, “I like my round belly!” Probably not a sentence you’d expect to hear from a 14-year-old or 24-year-old — by then, sadly, we learn that round bellies and mainstream standards of beauty don’t mix. But I was reminded of my upbeat four-year-old announcement… Continue Reading →

What the French ban on beauty pageants can teach us

Anyone else totally caught off guard by France’s impressive new legislation banning child beauty pageants? Yeah, me, too. Because as I much as I adore the country and its people (I lived there for two years in my late twenties and also worked for the French company Club Med), its contemporary pop culture has never… Continue Reading →