
An awesome alternative to the “too pretty to do math” t-shirt

Thanks to About-Face reader Amy Irvin for her two cents on the ridiculous “I’m too pretty to do math” t-shirt we featured on the blog last week.

Amy writes:

“In response to theI’m too pretty to do math t-shirt for girls featured in your recent blog post, I found this awesome shirt up for sale at the University of Texas at Arlington, where I work.

It was created by the Society of Women Engineers and I think it sends a great message to young women and girls who don’t think they can do science, math, and engineering.

It also lets them know they have the power to exceed others’ expectations.

It’s placed right at the entrance of the engineering building, and we have high school summer camps going on this week, so a lot of teenage girls are seeing this message. Much more encouraging than that other stupid shirt!

I am a long-time reader of this blog and supporter of what you all are doing. I hope this shirt makes you smile, like it did for me.”

Amy Irvin, About-Face reader

2 thoughts on “An awesome alternative to the “too pretty to do math” t-shirt

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  1. Im Lowkey Jealous!!!! Women in engineer majors, do your thang!! ;]

    Much Luv! xoxo

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