
Check out our brand new Gallery of Offenders and Gallery of Winners!

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived: It’s time to announce the 2010 About-Face Gallery of Offenders and Gallery of Winners!

From pre-pubescent pageant queens to disembodied derrieres, the offenders were in rare (often Photoshopped) form this year. We had a tough time narrowing down the ads, shows, videos, movies and more to a mere top ten list, given the astounding amount of horrendous material out there. Repeat offenders American Apparel and Diesel stayed true to their consistently misogynistic standards, while newcomers like PETA and Jillian Michaels made a strong impression with their messed up messages.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom in the media this year. Thankfully, we managed to compile a  list of ten winners who exemplified what’s right with the media (we swear, there really are a few things being done right). See why we’re impressed with Glamour Magazine, thrilled with the rockin’ movie, The Runaways, and seriously moved by the sentimental words of underwear-promoting, singing fruit (no, really).

Our galleries are new and improved, and complete with links leading to comment pages where you can rant and rave (just remember to play nice) to your heart’s content.

Excited? Good.

Without further ado, please enjoy our Gallery of Offenders and Gallery of Winners!

2 thoughts on “Check out our brand new Gallery of Offenders and Gallery of Winners!

  1. This is the best gallery of offenders and winners yet, and I’ve been visiting this site for a long time! You’d better believe I’m going to write some love/hate mail to these folks…

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