
Fabulously fat: The Adipositivity Project

Scrolling through the news on my phone the other day, a headline caught my eye, “Turning the Lens on Fat Shaming.” Given the unusual title, I was intrigued; what was this story about? The link led to a video highlighting The Adipositivity Project, a grass roots initiative started by two photographers, Substantia Jones and Haley… Continue Reading →

Facebook, give me a break from your dieting ads

Yesterday as I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, I was treated to an ad that Facebook had decided was relevant to my life as a high school female. The words “Skinny Confidential” headed the advertisement; below, the post expanded, informing me: “‘1 Summer Weight Loss Trick:’ This Secret Was Designed to Lose Weight and… Continue Reading →

Menstruation: it’s only as big a deal as you make it

Have you ever wondered what sex ed might have been like for your grandparents? If you have, check out this 1946 video – made by Disney – called “The Story of Menstruation.” At first, all I could see were the ways in which it is outdated and incomplete. It debunks taboos that are completely alien… Continue Reading →

The advertising industry fails to step up to Australia’s body image diversity awards

Nearly two years on from their introduction, Australia’s Positive Body Image awards are failing to catch the attention of fashion, media and entertainment, and advertising industry organizations and individuals. About-Face has previously covered the Australian government’s National Advisory Group on Body Image, and their voluntary code of conduct and awards. In 2012, the inaugural awards… Continue Reading →